Pedrina Park, 362 North Boundary Road, Hamilton Vic 3300
Where does Hamilton Soccer Club play and train? | Pedrina Park, 362 North Boundary Road, Hamilton VIC |
What are our soccer programs? | Hamilton Soccer Club fields mixed teams in the South West Victorian Football Association League for Seniors, Under 17s, 14s and 12s. The club also runs mixed Mini-Roos (5-11yrs) sessions each Saturday morning at Pedrina Park during school terms 2 and 3. There is also a mid-week 7-aside competition for high school students under lights at Pedrina Park. If you are interested in soccer, contact the club and we can advise on what programs are currently available. Also refer to the Our Programs page for further information. |
What are the registration requirements? | Registration and payment of registration fees is a requirement to take part in our club activities. The cost of our packages are set annually and are normally announced in February or March each year. Check out and follow our facebook page for the latest announcements. Half-year packages may also be available for certain programs upon request. Please contact the club if you have any questions on registration costs, procedures or the packages available. Also refer to the Our Programs page for further information. |
How do I register? | Registration usually opens in February or March each year. Once registrations are open it is important that you register yourself or your child to the correct registration package. This will make sure that you/your child is covered by insurance, pays the correct fees and is eligible to participate in the chosen soccer activities. Registration is via an online portal with online payment via credit card and can be accessed through You can use the find your nearest club search function on the website to find our club and this will take you through to the registration portal to our club package information. You must select our club “Hamilton SC” for registration. If you are unable to pay online via credit card please contact the club to discuss registration options before registering. |
What does registration cost? | Registration costs are set at the beginning of each year and cover operating expenses for the club to supply equipment, hire the ground and facilities and conduct all activities. Member fees are also paid to FA, FV and SWVFA, which include insurance cover for all players. All our coaches and club officials are volunteers and we are a not for profit association. We strive to keep our costs down and keep our registration charges affordable. Please respect the registration requirements of our club and ensure you are registered before taking the field in our activities. Please contact our club officials should you have any questions. We are more than happy to take enquiries. Please note that club will also consider requests to cover registration fees on a case by case basis where there is hardship. Please refer to our policies and contact the club for further information. |
What uniform do I need? | Players registered to play in the SWVFA League Competition must wear the club supplied uniform to take the field. HSC will supply uniforms (shirts and shorts) before the first game each year and these will need to be returned after the last game in each competition. Red football socks are the only uniform component that needs to be purchased separately, if playing in the SWVFA competition. Miniroos has no uniform requirement. Please wear clothes suitable for sporting activities. A shirt and shorts from your favourite football team is quite alright. Uniforms for the Wednesday Night 7-a-side competition are organised by the individual teams (please speak with your coach/manager). |
What else do I need? | Football is contact winter sport. At all games and training players must wear shin pads and soccer boots. Games and training is sometimes hot and thirsty work so please bring a water bottle. Occasionally, our weather during training and games is also less than desirable with rain, hail and mud. On these occasions a warm coat prior to and after training is handy and a towel may be useful for transporting players home in the car. |
Where can I get soccer boots and shin pads? | Local sports stores carry shin pads and boots for purchase. HSC also runs a second hand boot exchange for a $5 dollar donation. Through this exchange we recycle boots that no longer fit fast growing children to those at younger ages. Please consider donating boots that are still in good condition if they are no longer the right size. Please talk to your coaches and team managers to see if there are boots available in the size required. Note boot sizes are subject to the limited supply available. |
What time are the training sessions? | Training sessions for under 12, 14 and 17s occur from 5.00pm to 6.30pm on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Senior team training sessions are on Thursday night from 6.30pm. Miniroos sessions occur in Term 2 and 3 from 9.30am to 11.00am. Check our facebook page for the latest announcements and training times. |
When are the SWVFA League competition games? | The SWVFA sets the dates and times for each round. Games typically occur on Sundays with under 12s starting from around 10am to Seniors Division 1 kicking off at 3pm. The season typically runs during term 2 and 3 each year. Some games may occur during the school holidays. Games are played at home or away. We play teams in Warrnambool, Portland, Scott's Creek and Stawell. |
What about the weather? | Football is a winter sport and we usually play and train rain, hail or shine. However, subject to FV policies HSC may cancel games or training when there are or there is risk of extreme weather events. These announcements will be on our facebook page and/or communicated via your coaches and team managers. |
How does HSC operate? | HSC is a community sporting club that runs on the fantastic efforts of it's volunteers, sponsors and supporting community. Please consider volunteering for the club. There are many tasks that you can do to support the club without knowing anything about soccer or football. Contact the club to see how you can help. |